Comprehensive IT Solutions and Cybersecurity for Businesses | Tech4UK
Our comprehensive Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution provides real-time visibility into your network, empowering you to detect, investigate, and respond to security incidents swiftly and effectively.
By centralizing log data from diverse sources, SeerSIEM enables you to analyze security events, identify anomalies, and detect advanced threats. With advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, our solution automatically prioritizes critical alerts, reducing alert fatigue and enabling rapid response.
(KB) Knowledge Base
(CRE) Correlation and Response Engine
(PD) Pattern Discovery
(LM) Log Management
(AD-VA) Asset Discovery and Vulnerability Assessment
(NDR) Network Detection and Response
(NIDS) Network based Intrusion Detection System
(LCA) Log Collector Agent
(ISAC) Information sharing and Analysis Center
(LC) Log Collector
NIDS – Network Intrusion Detection System
NTA – Network Traffic flow Analysis
SIEM – Specifications
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